
Everything you've always wanted to know about Buddhism

The practice of Buddhism dates back to the 6th century BCE. The religion originated in India and is currently practiced in several countries, with special emphasis on Eastern societies. It is estimated that Buddhism has around 500 million followers scattered around the world and is regarded as the fifth largest religion on the planet. Japan, China, Tibet and Thailand are the places where the largest number of practitioners of this religion is concentrated. Click on the gallery and discover amazing facts about Buddhism!

Countries with the most millionaires and billionaires

Money might not make the world go around in a literal sense, but it certainly does give it a helping hand. Between investments, inheritances, and good business, there are cities around the world that have accumulated a nice list of wealthy people. But we’re here to look at which countries most of them call home. Curious? Click through the gallery to see which nations boast the highest number of millionaires and billionaires.

Step inside the diabolical House of Medici

One of the most famous European aristocratic families of the medieval era was the House of Medici. Ruling Florence, and later Tuscany, during most of the period from 1434 to 1737, the Medici dynasty found success in commerce and banking, after which several family members contributed extensively to art, learning, and architecture through a series of patronages and funding. Indeed, Botticelli, Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, and other Renaissance masters all benefitted from their generous support. But the influential House of Medici was also at times embroiled in scandal and tyranny, making it one of the most feared of Europe's noble households. The Medici family enjoyed over three centuries of power, prestige, and influence before the dynasty fell in the mid-18th century. To know more, click through and find out who they were and what they left us.

The 30 countries with the most cultural influence

The world is made up of nearly 200 countries, which all come with their own unique cultures. However, if the traditions and norms of a country are considered "cool" in another country, it's said to have cultural influence. Countries that command cultural influence are often synonymous with leading the way in areas like food, lifestyle, and/or fashion. Their music, television shows, and movies are also absorbed by other cultures, becoming part of a wider global conversation. Intrigued? From India to Denmark, click on to see if your country is a cultural influencer around the world.

Crop circles: what do we know about this mysterious phenomenon?

During the 1980s and 1990s, crop circles were popping up all over the world, causing fear and intrigue about their origins. However, these cryptic patterns seem to have disappeared in recent years. Let´s explore the history, facts, and theories about this mysterious phenomenon that inspired an environmental art form. Click through the gallery to get started.

The most romantic destinations in the world

The most beautiful cities in the world for couples lie within the next few slides of this gallery. Steeped in history and culture, these cities bring out the lovebirds in all of us. Get lost in the cobblestone streets and fall in love all over again amongst the character that lies between these city walls. What are you waiting for? Swipe through to discover the most romantic locations for couples.

Mystical landscapes on Earth that are out of this world

Space travel may be out of reach for most people, but there are still many fascinating landscapes on our planet waiting to be explored. Earth itself offers a multitude of strange and otherworldly sights that you don't need a spaceship to experience. Curious? Check out the gallery and take a virtual tour through some of the most incredible alien-looking landscapes on Earth.

Next stop: Chile and its wonders!

Chile is a Spanish-speaking country along the west coast of South America. Chile is also one of the largest producers of copper and an excellent wine producer! The most arid desert in the world is there too! Check out the gallery and discover the curiosities of Chile!

The wealthiest cities in the world

Global citizenship firm Henley & Partners released a report measuring just how fast millionaire growth has increased in the past decade across major global cities. Interestingly, many of these cities allow easier immigration based on larger sums of investment, which is an advantage for millionaires and billionaires in comparison to other foreign citizens. To compile this list, Henley & Partners hired New World Wealth, a global intelligence firm, to collect data from 97 cities around the world. The report ranked the spending habits of over 150,000 high-net-worth individuals, emphasizing those with over US$10 million in investible assets. It's important to note that the report primarily focused on wealthy individuals with job titles like founder, chairperson, CEO, and director. Curious? Click on to see if your city made the top 30.

Fascinating ghost towns around the world

Around the world, there’s an impressive number of towns and cities that have been abandoned by their inhabitants. From closed mining camps and disaster areas to former battlefields, many of these locations have been deserted. Frozen in time, these neglected places draw an increasing number of curious visitors each year. Check out these 20 fascinating ghost towns from the four corners of the globe.

You won't believe the cost of these extravagant weddings

In recent years, the average cost of a wedding in the United States has fluctuated slightly around US$30,000. This is a huge expense for most couples, but some spend that amount on the wedding cake alone! When celebrities, royals, and other wealthy individuals tie the knot, their weddings become unforgettable spectacles. The amount of money poured into these events is astonishing, especially considering that many of these extravagant marriages end in divorce! While money cannot buy love, it can certainly purchase a sumptuous ceremony that goes down in history. Take a look at the gallery to see the mind-boggling price tags associated with these weddings.

30 mind-blowing ancient treasures the Egyptians left behind

From elaborate tombs to dazzling pyramids, these are just some of the incredible treasures the Ancient Egyptians left behind.

Hidden attractions of South and Central America

South and Central America—often collectively referred to as Latin America— are well-trodden destinations. But hidden away in some of the 20-odd countries found from Mexico to the southern tip of the South American continent are places that still remain relatively unexplored. Click through the gallery and discover Latin America off the beaten track.

The most harmful drugs in the world

There are many drugs out there that are designed to make our lives easier. Prescription medications have created a world where we feel happier and more comfortable because all of our ailments are taken care of. But these drugs are not always sunshine and daisies... We’ve assembled a list of the most dangerous prescription drugs out there, which have been known to cause deaths due to overdose. But don’t worry: if you administer these medications as prescribed, then they are generally safe to use. Intrigued? Click through this gallery to see which medicines have been ranked as the most harmful.

Creating your sanctuary: Home renovations for empty nesters

Major changes in our lives happen very seldom. However, when they do, we need to be ready to face them head-on. And there are very few changes as significant as when your children leave the home. But instead of looking at this situation with sadness, look at it as an opportunity to step warmly into the next phase of your life. Creating your sanctuary is the first step! Curious? Swipe through this gallery to learn how you can make the empty nest years the best years yet.

118 years ago: Unbelievable images of the 1906 San Francisco earthquake

The San Francisco earthquake of 1906 is the deadliest earthquake in the history of the United States, and remains high on the list of American calamities. The tragedy is among the most documented of natural disasters, its immediate aftermath captured by some truly pioneering photographers. Their images provide a grim record of the power an earthquake can unleash, and serve as a reminder that San Francisco sits on one of the most dangerous and unpredictable fault lines on Earth—the San Andreas Fault. With scientists predicting the next "big one" as likely to strike the city before 2032, it's perhaps time to remind ourselves of what happened on the morning of April 18, 1906. Click through the following gallery and be alarmed by the prospect.

The 30 happiest countries in the world (the US isn't in the top 20)

The United Nations has released its World Happiness Report for 2024. The survey considered 143 countries and saw that it's not all doom and gloom. Once again, this year the Nordic countries dominate the top spots in the ranking, but there are also a few surprises in the top 30. Curious? Click on to discover the happiest countries on the planet.

The most productive countries in the world, ranked

How do we judge which countries are the most economically productive? Economists use metrics such as gross domestic product (GDP) and gross national income (GNI), which measure the monetary value of all of the goods and services of any type created by a country (GDP) or its people (GNI). GDP is typically measured in US dollars (US$) or international dollars (INT$), which measure output. To measure efficiency, GDP needs to be divided by the number of people in a country, to determine a country's output per person. It's important to bear in mind when considering the figures that some places have a head start. For example, Luxembourg, Singapore, Bermuda, Switzerland, and the Cayman Islands are all among the world's leading tax havens. So, intrigued? Click on to learn which countries are the most productive in the world.

The safest countries to avoid natural disasters

From earthquakes to volcanic eruptions, floods to droughts, each year natural disasters affect millions of people around the world. While countries can lower the number of casualties with good security measures and infrastructure, no one can really prevent nature's force. To better evaluate which countries are most and least at risk, the WorldRiskReport ranked 193 countries on their risk of experiencing disaster or vulnerability to extreme natural events. According to the findings, the Philippines, India, and Indonesia have the highest overall disaster risk. But which countries is Mother Nature least likely to wreak havoc on? Check out this gallery for the top 30 safest countries when it comes to natural disasters.

Greta Garbo: Old Hollywood's most mysterious star

Greta Garbo is remembered as one of the great stars of the Golden Age of Hollywood. She was undoubtedly talented and beautiful, but it was her status as an enigma that truly left an impression. Her air of mystery added layers to her performances and created a media obsession. The reclusive and private actress rarely spoke to interviewers or gave out any personal details. She was rumored to have had affairs with women, dressed as a boy, and worked as a spy during World War II. Garbo never spoke up to confirm or deny any of the stories that circulated about her, leaving us all to draw our own conclusions. She left us with so little information that we can continue to enjoy the magic and mystery that surrounds her forever. Click through this gallery to learn as much as is possible to know about the elusive Greta Garbo.

Incredible Hindu temples: architecture of exquisite beauty

Hinduism, originating from ancient Vedic culture around 3000 BCE, is one of the world's oldest religions and ranks as the third-largest globally, after Christianity and Islam. Followers refer to it as Sanatana Dharma, meaning Eternal Law in Sanskrit. With its primary presence in the Indian subcontinent and parts of Southeast Asia, Hinduism influences social and political structures, including the caste system. Temples of diverse styles and colors in various locations are central to Hindu worship, embodying the beauty of this ancient faith. Explore this gallery and wonder at these remarkable religious structures.

These things will make you feel old in 2024

Feeling a touch of nostalgia now that we're well into 2024? You're not alone! In this journey through time, we're about to explore numerous points that will make you feel old this year! From iconic movies to beloved TV shows, and even technological relics that once defined our lives, these reminders of the past will have you reflecting on the passage of time. So grab your time-traveling goggles and let's embark on this entertaining trip down memory lane!

Do you know what credit actually is?

Most of us have applied for credit at some point in our lives. But what exactly is credit? How much do you know about it? For example, are you able to use a credit card effectively? And how do you go about improving your credit rating? Come to think of it, what exactly is a credit rating? Still trying to crunch the numbers? Click through and find out what credit can do for you, how you can use it, and the best way to look after your finances with it.

The top 30 unhappiest cities in the US

Considering where your next move might be within the US? Be sure to check out this list to know which 30 locations to avoid at all costs. From high crime rates to low average annual incomes and even to awful weather, the gallery will list the top 30 unhappiest US cities as well as a bit about why. There are many factors when it comes to what makes a city an unhappy one, and today, we'll explore some of them. This list is according to an Insider Monkey article and will break down unhappy cities. Curious about which cities to avoid? Click through now.

In pictures: The most spine-chilling airplane disappearances

Aircraft have become truly enormous over the years, with the largest one on this list, the Boeing 777-200ER, weighing nearly 300 tons at takeoff. How is it, then, that these massive machines can disappear without a trace, especially with all the sophisticated search-and-rescue technology at our disposal? In the wake of the bizarre airplane disappearances that follow, this question has given rise to equally bizarre theories ranging from military blunders to alien abductions.

Portals to another dimension? The Earth's chakra points and vortexes

Volcanic activity, fault lines, magnetic anomalies—the world's sacred sites tend to follow a locational pattern. And spending time in these places leads many people to claim heightened spiritual experience. Sound far-fetched? Some believe the Earth itself has areas where energy is concentrated, offering visitors a way to connect to something mystical and profound. Just like the body is said to have centers where energy peaks, the same is said about our planet. Many religious and ancient sites are stationed along these alleged lines, or at their intersection. Curious? Click on this gallery to see where you can go to experience this energy.

Confessions of a cleaner: their worst discoveries

Those who work as cleaners have the bizarre privilege (or curse) of excavating the most private corners of people's homes. Needless to say it's not always a bed of roses. Working in cleaning is like working in customer service–you'll never see humanity the same way again! Click through this gallery to read about the weirdest things found by cleaners.

20 amazing places to visit in Mexico

If you’re looking for a versatile destination offering both breathtaking scenery and fascinating historical sites, Mexico is your next country of destination. From white sandy beaches to ancient Maya cities nestled in the heart of the jungle, Mexico offers a multitude of incredible places to visit! Discover 20 destinations to add to your next vacation bucket list.

The world's most popular dishes

It's hard to say which country has the best cuisine in the world, as there are so many distinctive flavors and styles of preparing food out there. But there are definitely some dishes that have made their mark in world cuisine. Be it Italian, Japanese, or Mexican, even if you've never been to the home countries of some of these dishes, you're probably well familiar with most of them. To feast your eyes (and test your drooling), click on for 30 of the world's most popular dishes. Bon appétit!

The most stunning swimming pools on the planet

Swimming pools have been a calling card of exotic locations and luxurious hotels for decades, and their appeal has only grown in the age of Instagram. From infinity pools that stretch on for as far as the eye can see, to dip-worthy spots in jaw-dropping locations, there are some truly stunning manmade bodies of water in the world. Don’t believe us? Grab a towel and dive in with our rundown of 20 of the most stunning swimming pools on the planet. Just remember the rules: no running, ducking, bombing or heavy petting.

Plane accidents that changed aviation laws

Airplanes are some of the most significant examples of human ingenuity on the planet. In a combination of physics and pure force, these massive metal monoliths are able to rise into the sky and soar great distances in a short time. But the safety that passengers feel while flying today was hard-won. While history has been full of some truly devastating disasters, some atrocious airplane accidents have helped the world of aviation to become a safer place. What are the biggest flight disasters to have caused changes in policy? Click through this gallery to find out.

Things the Freemasons don't want you to know

As one of the world's oldest secret societies, the Freemasons have for several hundred years lurked behind the scenes, involved in everything from planning historic events to murder. Having built an impressive membership, which included many prominent politicians, the Masons have also been surrounded by many conspiracy theories. And while there are many bizarre speculations (such as lizard people being behind the society) there are still many fascinating, sometimes strange stories about Freemasons and their complicated legacy that remain unknown to most of the public. From being banned by the Catholic Church to changing the face of American politics forever, click through the following gallery to discover not-so-secret facts about Freemasons.

The greatest retirement locations in the world

After so many years of working hard, retirement can sneak up on you quickly, so why not start planning for your golden years now? Choosing the ideal place to retire is an incredibly important decision and requires a lot of planning and research, but luckily the International Living magazine has published a list of the best destinations to relax into the better half of life. From modern cities to idyllic coastlines, check out this gallery to see the best options out there.

Celebrities you didn't know are related to US presidents

It's true that some celebrities are related to other famous people, and some can even trace their family tree back to historical figures. It turns out, some A-listers also share the same ancestry with a number of American presidents throughout history. And what's even more fascinating is that some US presidents are related to more than just one celebrity. Curious to find out which famous people inherited presidential genes? Click on!

Visit these famous landmarks before they disappear

The Earth is transitioning rapidly each year, with well-known locations already showing the impacts of climate change and human activity. These historic sites are rich in history but they're suffering damage and are on the brink of total destruction. Discover the sites, from natural marvels to ancient artifacts and thriving cities, that are at risk of disappearing. Click through the gallery to get started.

America's most illustrious state capitol buildings

The United States Capitol in Washington, D.C. is one of the most iconic buildings in the world. But each of America's 50 states has its own unique state capitol, most of them historic landmarks in their own right. While most states use the term "capitol" for their seat of government, there are those that use "statehouse" or "State House." Either way, these buildings represent a defining architectural style and are singular in their beauty and prestige. Click through and visit America's most illustrious state capitol buildings.

10 of the Most Unique Museums In the United States

Add these one-of-a-kind destinations to your travel bucket list.

Europe's grandest royal tombs

Throughout history, the wealth and privilege that came with being a member of a European royal family afforded a luxurious lifestyle most others could only dream of. But similarly, death, as in life, also brought with it lavishness and excess by way of a burial truly fit for a king or queen. Monarchs and emperors of old were honored with monumental tombs, ornate and embellished final resting places that reflected their status as absolute rulers of nations and peoples. Today, these showpiece sepulchers are as much tourist attractions as memorials to the mighty. But where can you admire the most sumptuous and ostentatious royal grave sites? Click through and tour the tombs.

The world's most prestigious military academies

The world's most prestigious military colleges and academies have trained and educated some of history's most celebrated and decorated figures from the armed forces. Many of these schools were established well over a hundred years ago as institutions focused on discipline, leadership, and character development. Their graduates, tested to the limit of physical and mental ability, went on to serve their countries with distinction. Today, entry into a top military establishment is equally as competitive and demanding, with many acceptance rates less than 10%. So, where do only the toughest and brightest end up? Click on and take a march through the world's most prestigious military academies.

The most LGBTQ+-friendly countries in the world

The LGBTQ+ community has gained a lot of support in recent decades when it comes to promoting equality in both laws and public acceptance. Many countries around the world have made massive strides in ensuring a welcoming society for people from all walks of life. Whether that be in the form of laws being passed or communities hosting events centered around raising awareness, change is definitely in the air. With that said, some countries do it better than others. In this gallery, take a look at the nations that are the most welcoming for the LGBTQ+ community and have taken positive action to ensure that changes are implemented. Click on for a pleasant discovery!

The worst hotel disasters in history

As the decades pass, many building regulations have been put into place to ensure the safety of anyone who ventures inside a hotel, but not all buildings comply with these standards. There have been some horrible man-made disasters over the years, and a lot of people have perished while staying at hotels. Between fires and collapses, human negligence is often found to be the sole cause of these disasters. And as for loss of life, they rank as some of the worst catastrophes in history. Click through the gallery to see which hotel disasters are considered the worst ever to happen.

Strange and impressive lesser-known facts about Air Force One

There are quite a lot of things you might not know about the lives of American presidents, and Air Force One is a mine of fascinating facts just begging to be tapped into. So, keep your seat in the upright position, fasten your seat belt, and check out this gallery to find out everything you didn’t know about the White House in the sky.

Incredible Christ statues around the world

Most people are familiar with the image of the mountaintop Christ the Redeemer statue in Brazil, standing with arms stretched to embrace the city of Rio de Janeiro below. But the world-famous statue is not alone: there are Jesus statues all over the world, and some of them are even bigger than the Rio version. From Poland to Peru, these mighty statues draw crowds from all over the world. Intrigued? Click through this gallery to discover some of the most awe-inspiring Christ statues on the planet.

Which countries do the most people want to relocate to?

Ever dreamt of packing your bags and leaving it all behind? You're not alone! Many people consider starting a brand new life in another country, and some countries are consistently more popular than others. The company 1st Move International, which offers services to people seeking to relocate, has analyzed Google search data to gather information about the places people would like to move to the most. Intrigued? Click on the gallery to discover the countries that are the most searched for by those seeking a fresh start abroad!

Ancient places hidden in mystery

Step into a world where history and mystery converge, where the ancient past beckons with unsolved enigmas. In this gallery, we journey through time to explore fascinating locations that are shrouded in mystery. From the legendary Atlantis to the sunken secrets of Heracleion, we delve into the heart of these historical legends. These cities, hidden in sands, submerged beneath the sea, or nestled in remote jungles, hold the keys to unlocking the mysteries of human civilization. Join us as we become explorers of the ancient world, seeking answers and inspiration that resonate with the present. Click through the gallery to begin.

The most famous UFO sightings in the world

Does extraterrestrial life exist? It's a mystery that intrigues us all. Despite huge advances in technological know-how, we are still no closer to proving that we are not alone, and there's no concrete evidence to suggest otherwise. But around the world, UFO sightings are reported with alarming regularity. So, should we believe in events like the notorious Roswell case, or dismiss outright the notion that we are being visited by beings from another planet? Here is a list of the best-known cases of UFO sightings of recent times. Take a look and decide, is there something really out there?

The highflying art of the tightrope walker

Metaphorically speaking, if you walk a tightrope you have to deal with a difficult situation, especially one involving making a decision between two opposing plans of action. But how hard do you think it is to walk a real tightrope? Well to do so requires a tremendous amount of skill, and an awful lot of courage. In fact, maintaining balance while walking along a tensioned wire between two points is a supreme test of strength, concentration, and dexterity. No wonder that only a few select men and women have made a successful career out of performing as a tightrope walker. But how did this extraordinary discipline evolve, and who are those that turned it into a high art form? Click through and walk the line finding out!

Famous works of art you simply have to see in person

Art is what captures the creativity and great minds of the ages. From paintings to sculptures and everything in between, the beauty and importance of art is undeniable. While art exists everywhere in the world in one form or another, this list compiles 30 pieces that are absolutely worth seeing in person and learning more about. Included in this gallery are facts about each piece of art as well as where to find them today. So, get out there, enjoy some art, and learn about the works that shaped and even defined history. Curious to learn about which pieces made the list? Click through now.

The world's most endangered languages

Each language tells its own story, from the remote whispers of the Sentinelese to the resurgent voices of Manx speakers. These thirty tongues, teetering on the edge of silence, are more than just ways of communication; they are living, breathing embodiments of cultures, histories, and entire ways of life. As we journey through each one, we're reminded of the passionate efforts to keep these languages from vanishing into the echoes of time. Join us in discovering the heartbeats of these endangered languages, each representing a unique human experience. Click through the gallery to get started.

Europe's most picturesque small towns and villages

Charming villages full of traditional character, historic towns with plenty of cultural clout... Europe has them all. But where are the truly scenic destinations located? Browse the gallery and take a look at these photogenic eye-openers.